God is Faithful and His Timing is Perfect
There is so much to say about my new life as a missionary in Peru but I will try to share what has touched me the most during my time here. I feel so blessed to be chosen to serve in a country where the people are so warm, welcoming, generous and down to earth. Upon our arrival in Picota about 2 months ago, we were introduced by the priests to the parishioners during mass and their response was so overwhelmingly positive! Men, women, youth and children came up to us afterwards to welcome us with hugs and kisses. I was overcome with emotion in that moment and I thought of my family back home and it hit me that I would not get to see them much for the next two years while fulfilling my time of service as a foreign missionary. I especially thought of my little nieces and nephews and all the milestones I would miss in their lives while I was gone and it made my heart ache. But looking at all the faces of the people filled with hope sitting in church that night gave me inner strength. It also gave me great joy to know I was given a unique opportunity to offer up being so far away from home as a little sacrifice to God for the intentions of all my loved ones back home.
I have had so many wonderful conversations and great moments "making real friends with the poor". That's the motto of our founder, Mr. Frank Summers. And I have found it to be so true that first we have to make real friends with the poor before we can bring them to Jesus. Being real friends with them means we are equals and that we both have something to offer to the new friendship. I always knew I was a people person but now even more so I feel such a love for God's people. I have the best job ever! I am called to love God's people, tell them about Jesus and journey with them spiritually! That may sound too fluffy but sometimes loving people means challenging them to come back to God and speaking God's truth into their lives even when it is uncomfortable. I am sure St John the Baptist wasn't very popular but he spoke the truth and became a great saint! I have had amazing chances to evangelize all kinds of people in Peru. I have shared the Gospel with store owners, farmers who drink too much, the sick, old women who feel abandoned, young people that need hope and encouragement and children who need affection and to hear how much Jesus loves them! I have also been blessed to pray with people for all kinds of intentions such as being able to have a baby, preparing for a holy death, healing from alcoholism and for holy vocations. God in his great generosity has allowed me to share in this beautiful ministry not because I am holy and perfect but because I am broken and a sinner and can relate to their pain and real struggle for holiness.
In missions, God has taught me that what I used to be back home doesn't really matter here. My experience, degree or knowledge is not what makes me a good missionary. He has shown me that He wants me to be little and hidden and to trust Him fully and abandon myself completely to his will. I know that St Therese is walking with me and that once more she is teaching me the value of being little. God has also reminded me of a great truth, that He is faithful and His timing is perfect. My mission partner (Candice) and I spent a month in Shamboyacu, our assigned mission post, thinking that is where we would stay for the rest of the year but God closed those doors and led us back to Picota. God has not only given us a new mission post but also new mission sisters. Now our single girls team is made up of four not just two women. And that has been a HUGE blessing! We are now living in a little town called Buenos Aires which is where we will be evangelizing and serving the poor. It is also much closer distance wise to our missionary families and guys team. And that's a huge blessing because it is makes support from other missionaries and community life possible. We live in a lovely, simple house located near the plaza very close to the Catholic Church. And we are not the only Christians evangelizing here. There are protestant churches also located in this small town. But we are happy to have more of a Catholic presence and to support Catholics as well as form friendships with non-Catholics. Life is very basic in this town and we do not have running water, actually we never know when or if we will have water on a given day but God has chosen this place for me and I am striving to joyfully and faithfully serve him here. In my opinion, the people in Peru are the best part of my mission experience! I feel like every Peruvian is a potential "BFF" in Jesus waiting to happen! And it makes me eager to meet them so that I can bring them to Jesus! Well, I must go for now and will try to blog more frequently from now on. Please keep me and my awesome Peru mission team in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for all of you! I leave you with a picture I took of Peru at sunset. Enjoy!
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